Please check whether you have an approved booking or a waitlist. If we are full you have a waitlist booking. We will be in touch if a place becomes available. This could be up to 9am Sunday on the repair cafe day. If you do not hear from us, you have not received a place. You may want to make a booking for a future date , to be sure of a place.
A confirmation email has been sent to you.
Please check your spam/junk folder if it doesn’t arrive.
By engaging our help, you agree that neither the organisers nor the volunteer repairers are responsible for, or have any liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from instructions or advice given or acts done or not done in relation to the items you have brought to (or sought advice about from) the Repair Café.
Please arrive on time (note: you may need to wait if a previous repair takes a little longer than anticipated) .
Only attend if you are healthy and have not visited any COVID-19 hotspots in the last 14 days. Please read the COVID-19 visitor requirements on our website. Compliance of these terms, is a condition of entry. Bookings to the Repair Cafe are highly sought after. If you’re unable to attend, please let us know so that someone else can take your place. Please do not bring any other family members or friends with you on the day.
Whilst this is a free service, we do appreciate donations to help keep the Repair Cafe Running. Any help is appreciated.