Wondering what to bring along to repair?
Last Sunday we repaired : a super girl costume, Nutribullet, lamp, jug, leather boots, moth eaten sweater,

Wondering what to bring along to repair?
Last Sunday we repaired : a super girl costume, Nutribullet, lamp, jug, leather boots, moth eaten sweater,
Turn up between 2-3.45pm and you will be allocated a time slot and a repair station. You may have to queue for a short time.
For the past few months we have been running in Covid Safe mode
Online bookings only , customers must wear masks and sign in with QR code.
We hope to go back to more normal operation as circumstances permit
For the moment we will not be running regular sessions in Lane Cove. We are considering on line and virtual options. There will be announcement when this is ready
Alasdair Stuart for repair cafe organising committee
Before our next repair cafe we will hold a special information session
This short information session will be held at 180 Longueville Rd Lane Cove, 12.15 to 1.30. After the session, stay for a look at our regular Repair Cafe, 2pm til 4pm. A group of volunteers will cover what has worked for us, where we’ve had problems & how we dealt with them.
Do you want to know how to set up a Repair Cafe?
Come along, hear about our experience.
Repair Café Sydney North
180 Longueville Rd Lane Cove
Living and Learning Centre
or phone Wendy 9420 4884
After the Lane Cove Fair we are back to normal
Repair Cafe is still on Sunday 13th
This Sunday Parking will be at premium Some street will be closed off You will not be able to access the repair cafe site from Epping Rd. The Little street car park is the best option if you come from Epping Rd.
If you come from the South up Longueville Rd you can get as far as the traffic lights opposite the Library. Market Square is accessible. But to get to Little street you need to backtrack to the church on Dorrit and go down the one way section of Little St
BROKEN ITEMS we fix for FREE includes: jewellery, ceramics, shoes, toys, clothes, bags, household battery operated items, sharpening knives, secateurs, pruning tools. For broken items not mentioned, contact us for more information. Donations welcomed.
Date: Sundays June 3 and June 10 ( always first and second Sundays of the month)
Time: 2pm to 4 pm
Place: Living and Learning Centre, 180 Longueville Road, Lane Cove.
Parking: free all day parking along Longueville Road or park for 3 hours free on Little St Car Park
For more information: contact Wendy 94204884 or 0410280912
Email: enquiries@repaircafesydneynorth.net
Website: repaircafesydneynorth.net or visit our Facebook page
Thank you to everyone who attended our official launch at our new premises! The Mayor even brought along her Mayoral chain to be repaired by our valued volunteer, Glenda. A great outcome!
We’re open again on the first and second Sunday in March, 2-4pm
Visit the Repair Café Sydney North for free repairs!!!
With the recent gusty strong winds causing havoc, no wonder we had 4 umbrella repairs for our January 14 Repair Café Day! Above are 2 photos of successful repairs in progress and one comment from a happy owner:
“It is a tricky job. I actually did not think it was capable of fixing but Lee made magic. He applied lubricant on the different parts and hey presto, it is as good as new again. I used it when I went home in the strong wind and it was working very well. I also learnt from Lee how to gradually open it – even if the mechanism gets stuck somewhere. So, thank you v much Lee. Where else would I learn this?”
BROKEN ITEMS we fix for FREE includes: jewellery, ceramics, shoes, toys, clothes, bags, household battery operated items, sharpening knives, secateurs, pruning tools.
Anything not mentioned, please contact us to see if we can help.
FREE tea and cappuccino and home made cakes
Location: Living and Learning Centre, 180 Longueville Road
Date: Feb 4 and Feb 11 (always first and second Sundays of the month)
Time: 2pm to 4pm
All are welcomed to Free repairs
For more information: contact: Wendy 94204884 or 0410280912
Email: enquiries@repaircafesydneynorth.net
Website: repaircafesydneynorth.net
Please Note: On Sunday Feb 11, repair work is carried out as usual with a slight deviation of an official launch of the Repair Café by Lane Cove Mayor, Pam Palmer. All are welcomed!