Feb 4 and 11

Due to an issue with booking of the venue the time has been changed to 2.30-4.30 – this is only for February.

Ceramic and jewellery repairs will be available for both cafes in Feb. So bring in your broken bowls, vases, etc, get your beads re strung or that special pair of ear rings repaired.

This 5 strand necklace had two broken strings which were fixed.

The repairer glued the broken bowl one week and the visitor returned the following week for the repairer to paint and seal the joins.

Soldering and woodwork

We can do simple woodwork but you may want to consider contacting your local men’s shed for more complex repairs

The Men’s Shed is able to solder metals (and fix wooden items) and they

have local sheds at Ryde/Hunter’s Hill https://mensshed.org/sheds/hunters-hill-ryde-mens-shed/

Lane Cove https://lanecovemensshed.org.au/?_sm_pdc=1&_sm_rid=kfQjqSjj87v0N788J797SZZVR7kqfpqS7sWPW5r

and Willoughby

https://mensshed.org/sheds/willoughby-community-mens-shed/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-vOsBhAAEiwAIWR0TQ7Pmoc25Zi8WuWtjDju2wPUBJdl3zz3kz5a5DNoiCJCvOHGM0A2RRoCQH4QAvD_BwEplenty of other places too

Re cycling non repairable items

Sometimes we can’t fix some electrical items that are brought to Repair cafe but they may have parts that are of use and we want to keep these precious things out of landfill so you could consider calling Whirl recycling

Small (sized smaller than a microwave) electronic/battery-run items that

can’t be fixed can be dropped off at various venues and they are collected

by Whirl https://www.whirlrecycling.com/?_sm_pdc=1&_sm_rid=kfQjqSjj87v0N788J797SZZVR7kqfpqS7sWPW5r